Up On The House Top:
The Christmas song "Up On The House Top" was written in New Paris, Ohio, in 1864 by the Reverend Benjamin Hanby.
Preble County:
Preble County is located in the heart of the old Northwest Territory. General Arthur St. Clair marched through this area in 1791 on his way to the Maumee River where he was defeated by Chief Little Turtle of the Miami. The Miami were part of the Northwest Indian Confederation, which included the Shawnee, Delaware, Ottawa, Iroquois, Chippewa & Potawatami. They killed 692 men out of a force of 3000,, handing American forces the worst defeat they would suffer at the hands of Native Americans. This area would not be safe for settlement until after General Mad Anthony Wayne defeated the Indians at the Battle of Fallen Timbers on August 20, 1794. On August 3, 1795, the Treaty of Greenville was signed just north of here. The treaty signed away the Indians rights to most of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Michigan. It also ended British influence in the area.
Covered Bridges:
Fort St.Clair:
Whispering Christmas:
Richmond, Indiana:
Greenville, Ohio:
Annie Oakley was born on a small farm outside of Greenville in 1860.
The Shawnee Tecumseh was born near Springfield just east of here.
Eaton, Ohio
Young William Henry Harrison helped build Ft. St. Clair in Eaton, Ohio, during March of 1792 just south of here. He also spent part of that winter at Ft. Jefferson in New Madison, just north of here. He became our 9th President in 1841.
National Road:
The Golden Inn is located on the historic National Road, which is known today as U.S. Rt. 40. The road was created by an act of Congress in 1806, and signed into law by Thomas Jefferson. The road stretched from Baltimore, Maryland, to Vandalia, Illinois.
Preble County is home to 7 covered bridges. Each summer it plays host to the Buckeye Bridge Bike ride. Riders enjoy a beautiful ride through rural Preble County. The ride offers various lengths to suit cyclists, up to 75 miles for the longest.
Preble County Pork Festival:
Held on the 3rd full weekend of September, this event attracts tens of thousands of visitors to sample the all pork menus and hundreds of craft vendors. Preble County Pork Fest
New Paris Apple Festival
Held the 4th full weekend of September.